Monday, August 2, 2010

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW thank you all SO much! I have reached 50 followers! I feel like that was such a short time! You ladies are all amazing and I am so glad that I started this blog, I read most of your blogs as often as I can and I am often inspired, so thank you!
I really appreciate all the comments people leave too so thanks for that as well!!!!!

A picture of the one of the first nail arts I have ever done (this was done with a friend!) musta been about 2 and a half years ago?

I guess I'm gonna have to do a giveaway soon eh?! It'd be good if I knew how!!!

Have a good Monday!!

ps: I'm seeing Inception today!!


  1. Congrats on getting 50 followers! :) Inception was really good. Hope you enjoy the movie!

  2. Cuute nails!
    I love nail art,too.
    Please chack out my nails<3

  3. @necessary nails: Thank you!! Inception was amazing, I loved it!

    @Bunny: Thanks!!!

    @Sayablack: I am now a follower, cute blog!
